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[Quiz] Do You Have Low Testosterone?

[Quiz] Do You Have Low Testosterone?

As you get older, both men and women start losing free testosterone. This can have a great impact on your over health. It can cause increased stress, belly fat, and what most people relate low testosterone too, sex drive. The only real way to find this out is if you...
How Can Men Lose Belly Fat?

How Can Men Lose Belly Fat?

Belly fat can be incredibly irritating. Even if you eat right and go to the gym, belly fat can get in the way of your physique goals. You may think, “If I’m doing everything right, why do I have belly fat?” Belly fat isn’t just a stumbling block for a six-pack—it can...
What Causes Low Sex Drive in Men?

What Causes Low Sex Drive in Men?

“Why is my sex drive so low?” You may have asked yourself this in genuine frustration and angst. And with good reason—low sex drive in men can cause problems with your partner and may even make you feel like a different person. But if you’re wondering why you may be...
Why Is My Energy So Low?

Why Is My Energy So Low?

“Why is my energy so low?” You may ask yourself this question in your forties, in your thirties, or just after your lunch break.  To be frank, there are quite a few reasons you’re experiencing low energy levels, but most of them have to do with maintaining a...
Do Women Have Testosterone?

Do Women Have Testosterone?

Testosterone is an androgen, a sex hormone that regulates reproduction, growth, and overall maintenance of a healthy body. Testosterone is usually considered a “male” hormone, but that does not mean it is absent in female bodies.  Women do have testosterone, just...
What Produces Testosterone?

What Produces Testosterone?

If you’re feeling the effects of low testosterone in your life, you want to find out why. Sure, testosterone levels decrease as you age, but sometimes men will have an underlying condition that causes those levels to fall below a healthy range. To find out what’s...
Does Working Out Increase Testosterone?

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone?

Many men feel that their low testosterone makes it impossible to perform well at the gym. That’s because testosterone is a crucial factor in muscle development. But does working out increase testosterone? Exercise will boost your testosterone, although it has a...
How Does Sex Affect Testosterone?

How Does Sex Affect Testosterone?

Testosterone levels will temporarily increase during sex, but the effect is short term. Your T levels will revert back to normal levels after climaxing. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that frequent or infrequent sexual activity has long-term effects on...
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